Amazed by the Truth

The Sanctity of Marriage #63

The “sanctity of marriage” is a term often used to describe that marriage is a sacred and inviolable institution. It emphasizes the idea that marriage is a special and holy bond between two individuals, considered a lifelong commitment.

The concept of the sanctity of marriage is found in many religious and cultural traditions worldwide. In various religious contexts, marriage is often viewed as a divine covenant or a sacrament, signifying a spiritual connection and union between a couple. This perspective often comes with the expectation that marriage should be cherished, respected, and protected.

Lets ponder on the main important facts about marriage, and why it is a sacrament in its full sense. It is a lifelong commitment, and divorce is discouraged.

Faithfulness and loyalty to one’s spouse are essential aspects of maintaining the sanctity of marriage.

Marriage is often regarded as the foundation of family life and a means of procreation.

Marriage is considered a divine institution, with God or a higher power often believed to be involved in the union of two individuals.

Therefore, marriage in its full sense is the fulfillment of the joining between Jesus and his church, and you shouldn’t take the sacrament lightly, rather fully understand the meaning behind it and strengthen your marriage according to the meaning of the sacrament. 

Rev. Fr. Movses Shannakian